Hello, my name is Mirko Sertic.
Senior Software Engineer & Architect.
What I do
I'm a seasoned software engineer specializing in building scalable, enterprise-level applications with a recent focus on eCommerce solutions. As the technical lead behind advanced search and recommendation systems for one of Germany's premier bookstores, I combine deep technical expertise with business-driven solutions. My approach emphasizes clean architecture, performance optimization, and delivering exceptional user experiences and business value through innovative software solutions.
Core Expertise
- Digital Transformation Consulting
- Enterprise Software Architecture & Development
- Cloud-Native Solutions Architecture
- Search & Recommendation System Implementation
- High-Performance Java Applications
- Technical Leadership & Team Mentoring
Technical Stack
- Java (Enterprise & Spring Ecosystem
- Microservices Architecture
- Self-Contained Systems Architecture
- Search Technologies: Lucidworks Fusion / Solr / Coveo
- Google Cloud
- HTML / JavaScript / CSS
- SQL, NoSQL, Kafka, Stream Processing
- Docker, Kubernetes
- CI/CD Pipelines
My Background
- 20+ years of enterprise software engineering experience
- Regular contributor to open-source projects and technical communities
- Led development of large-scale eCommerce search solutions
- Sun & Oracle Certified Enterprise Architect
- Sun & Oracle Certified Java Developer
- Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering
A well known AI thinks this might be my Digital Twin:
(after I fed it way too many buzzwords)
Created using DALL-E 3

(Not complete) History of Talks and Presentations
- 10/2020 JAVAPRO - Self-Contained SystemsAn article about self-contained systems as an organizational and architectural approach.(Link)
- 06/2019 Java aktuell - Hinter den Kulissen von Self-Contained Systems.A written summary of my JavaLand talk.(PDF)
- 04/2019 JavaScript Kompendium Bd. 11.An eBook I've added content to.(eBook)
- 03/2019 JavaLand - Hinter den Kulissen von Self-Contained Systems. Die fiesen Details.A presentation about the implementation of the Self-Contained Systems approach and nasty problems that may arise.(Slides)
- 03/2019 Entwicklermagazin - WebAssembly, der aktuelle Stand und wohin die Reise geht.An essay about the current state of WebAssembly support and pending specification proposals.
- 06/2018 Java aktuell - WebAssembly ein Jahr danachA written summary of my JavaLand talk.(PDF)
- 03/2018 Frontend-Freunde Münster - WebAssembly ein Jahr danachA talk at a local user group meetup held in Münster/Germany.(Video)
- 03/2018 Thalia Tech Blog - Frontend-Spielereien mit WebAssemblyA tech blog posting about WebAssembly hosted by the Thalia.de engineering team.(Link)
- 03/2018 JavaLand - WebAssembly ein Jahr danachA presentation about the upcoming WebAssembly standard, its current state and possibilities.(Slides)
- 09/2017 Java aktuell - From Legacy to Modern WebA written summary of my JavaLand talk.(PDF)
- 05/2017 WebComponents PrimerA short introduction about WebComponents held at a local hackathon.(Slides)
- 03/2017 JavaLand - From Legacy to Modern WebA case study about strategies for cross-compiling legacy applications to the web platform.(Slides)
- 03/2013 Objektorientierung, Domain-driven Design und ArchitekturA crash course about application of Domain-driven Design principles to complex systems.(Slides)